Rubicon Project is a leading technology company automating the buying and selling of advertising. Relentless in its efforts for innovation, Rubicon Project has engineered one of the largest real-time cloud and Big Data computing systems, processing trillions of transactions within milliseconds each month.
The company’s pioneering technology created a new model for the advertising industry – similar to what NASDAQ did for stock trading. Rubicon Project’s automated advertising platform is used by the world’s leading publishers and applications to transact with top brands around the globe.
Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Los Angeles, Rubicon Project has fourteen offices including New York, San Francisco, Paris, Hamburg, Sydney, London, Milan and Tokyo.
Rubicon Project Ads Issues and Troubleshooting Methods
Rubicon Project Offers Advertising for Display, Video , In App, Audio and CTV.Since There is not much resources avaiable for Rubicon project ads troubleshooting.
Rubicon Project Ads Troubleshooting – Method 1 Reporting Status Code
In Order to troubleshoot the issue with low fill rate with Rubicon Project,User needs to run the Report inside dashboard and Add parameter Named “Status” Code as shown in below Screenshot, Based on the Status code, You can analyzed the issue and Get it rectified.
Rubicon Project Ads Troubleshooting – Method 2 Google Chrome Extension: Vantage
What is Vantage?
- Vantage is an easy-to-install Chrome and Firefox extension that offers a real-time perspective on your ad space.
What can Vantage do?
- Highlight ads on your site that are served through the Rubicon Project platform.
- Display impression details including CPM, network, relationship, and placement information.
- Instantaneously report dissatisfying ads.
- Visualize header bidder activity and performance.
- All on the fly from your browser session!
Download the Vantage Extension Here:
Rubicon Project OutStream Ads
<script type="text/javascript"> (function() { function loadIt() { console.log("DOM fully loaded and parsed"); // Enter OutStream configuration options HERE // var configParams = { "width": 640, "height": 360, "k_pos": "after", "k_placement": "a/top", "k_align": "center" }; // End OutStream configuration options // var doc = top.window.document; var as = doc.createElement('script'), aT = '//' + Math.random() * 10000000000000000; as.type = 'text/javascript'; as.src = aT; as.async = true; if (as.textContent) { as.textContent = JSON.stringify(configParams); } else { as.innerText = JSON.stringify(configParams); } doc.body.appendChild(as); } if (document.readyState === "complete" || (document.readyState !== "loading" && !document.documentElement.doScroll)) { loadIt(); } else { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", loadIt); } }()); </script>
Rubicon Ads Display Tags Example and Sizes
<!-- Begin Rubicon Project Tag --> <!-- Site: My Premium Site, Zone: Homepage, Size: 728x90 --> <script type="text/javascript"> rp_account = '1111'; rp_site = '22222'; rp_zonesize = '333333-2'; // zoneID-sizeID. Zone is per account; see appendix for sizes ID rp_adtype = 'js'; rp_inventory = {Category:'finance', SubCategory:'stocks'}; // inventory parameters rp_visitor = {SegmentWorth:'high', SegmentType:'investor'}; // visitor parameters </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- End Rubicon Project Tag -->
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
rp_account | text | Rubicon assigned id | “1234” |
rp_site | text | Rubicon assigned id | “1234” |
rp_zonesize | text | Rubicon assigned ids | “1234-2” |
rp_adtype | text | Format of ad within ad engine response. One of “iframe”, “js”, “jsonp”. Default=”js” | “js” |
rp_width | text | Width of ad unit in pixels. Required when rp_adtype=”iframe”. | “300” |
rp_height | text | Height of ad unit in pixels. Required when rp_adtype=”iframe”. | “250” |
rp_kw | text | (optional) Seller defined keyword (text string) | “the-best-section” |
rp_inventory | object | (optional) Values set by seller. Targetable and usable in RTB Controls and Deals. | { deals : “12345,98765”, pos: “ATF,right-nav” } |
rp_visitor | object | (optional) Values set by seller. Targetable and usable in RTB Controls and Deals. | { gender : “F” } |
rp_callback | text or function | (optional) name of function or actual function object to be called with ad response | onAdsLoaded |
rp_schain | text | (optional) A string serialized SupplyChain to be provided by intermediaries who do not own and operate the inventory. See the IAB Tech Lab’s SupplyChain object specification for more details. | “1.0,1!,1234,1,,,” |
Rubicon Video Ads VAST Example Tags and Macros
Rubicon have two set of tags for Video Ads that run via VAST.
- VAST Tag
- VPAID Bridget Tags
Rubicon VAST Tags Desktop Mobile Web
Rubicon VAST Tags In App video
VAST Tag by Rubicon are basic tags which needs to pass additional parameter manually and It Supported VAST protocols (VAST 2.0, VAST 3.0, VAST 4.0, VAST 4.1, VAST 4.2 – the assumption is that both in-line and wrapper ads are supported for the specified VAST protocols)
Below are the parameters we need to manually provide with Rubicon VAST Tag
- Supported VAST protocols (VAST 2.0, VAST 3.0, VAST 4.0, VAST 4.1, VAST 4.2 – the assumption is that both in-line and wrapper ads are supported for the specified VAST protocols)
- Maximum video ad duration in seconds
Supported media file formats (MP4, FLV, WebM) - VPAID Support (VPAID 1.0 Flash, VPAID 2.0 Flash, VPAID 2.0 JavaScript)
- Video Playback Method: (autoplay sound on, autoplay sound off, click-to-play, mouse-over)
- Companion Ad Support, if yes, resource type (static, HTML, iFrame) and ad dimensions
VPAID Bridget Tags
If Publisher’s Standard Web or Desktop video player supports VPAID 1.0 or 2.0, the Publisher must utilize Rubicon Project’s VPAID Bridge Tag.
Example of Rubicon Video Tag VPAID Bridget Tags
Rubicon Project’s VPAID Bridge provides advanced detection of the video ad play at runtime including:
- URL of the page where the publisher’s video content or ads will appear.
Video player dimensions.
iFrame depth & dimensions.
How To Remove Rubicon Ads Cookies or any Other Advertising Cookies from Google Chrome
Most cookies are simple text files that are relatively harmless. But some, such as cookies from the digital advertising company Rubicon Project, can collect information about the user and relay that information to third-party vendors. Your web browser has the necessary tools to remove any cookies saved to your computer.
Remove Rubicon Project Cookies for Chrome Users
Step 1
Open a Google Chrome browser window. Click on the “Settings” button in the Right Corners of the browserhen click on the “Options” listing. The Options pop-up window will open.
Step 2
simply Paste below String in Browser Tab
Type “Rubicon Project” into the search field to locate the cookies. Select the cookies that are displayed and click “Remove Cookies.” Alternately, click “Remove All Cookies” to erase all the cookies on the computer, including cookies from the Rubicon Project.
List Of Rubicon Project Acquisitions