In a recent update from Google Ad Manager team, Overall limits that are currently present in DFP will be revised, as per the update from Google, this move will impact the small publisher who has set up AdSense/Ad exchange line item incorrectly.
Limits will be changed for Sponsorship, Standard, House, Price Priority, Bulk, Network type of line items, please note that it will not cause any issue on programmatic Proposal line items which are set up as sponsorship and Standard
Limitation on how DFP line item, Ad units, Key values, Placement, Reporting and How Each DFP Line items will be used. The publisher has until May 2020, To get familiar with New changes.

Why Google Ad Manager System Limits are Changed?

There are few factors which cause some issue with google’s dominance

Streamlining First Price auction :

There was a tweak in line item setup which publisher was doing, The tweak is Setting up House Line items and using AdSense or Adx creative inside or third party Demand Tags as Creative. By doing this Publisher makes Google Adsense or Adx pay more and increase the competition in the first Pricing Model. This is also one of the reasons that Google has removed House line items from Google Dynamic Allocation. You can Read About the Changes Done by Google

House line items and the auction
Floor prices and target CPM do not apply to House line items and line items with a $0 Value CPM.

House line items only serve when no remnant line items (Network, Bulk, Price Priority), Ad Exchange or Open Bidding demand are available to serve. That is, House line items are treated as if they have a $0 rate and do not compete on price via dynamic allocation.
House line item CPM determines the ranking of eligible House ads. However, House ads don’t need to meet the floor price or target CPM set in unified pricing rules to be eligible to serve, so they effectively act as fall-back ads.

Read More : House Line Item and Auction

Promote Open Bidding and Reduce Dominance of Header Bidding:

Those who are not aware of Open Bidding, Open Bidding was also known as Exchange bidding just a few months ago.  We can say that it’s counter to Popular header bidding which runs based on prebid technology started by app nexus and contributed by lots of Demand partners.

Since DFP is widely used Adserver for most of the publishers and since they have Free to use DFP small business as well, Implementing header bidding via DFP is one of the easiest ways to get started with Header Bidding.

One of the important parts of Header bidding is Creating/ Bulk Push line items inside DFP, Which compete based on Value CPM.

Google DFP Line item Limits

  • Standard and Sponsorship Line items will be used only for running Direct advertiser Ads with fixed priced and fixed impressions goal.
  • Price, Network, Bulk line items should be used for running non guaranteed ads, Basically ads from other exchanges and third-party network.
  • Price Priority, Network or Bulk line items with 0 Value CPM or Rate will be considered as House Line item. Basically these type of line items will not compete in dynamic allocation.
  • House should be used only for Advertising publisher developed products or Own and Operated Websites

“Unless otherwise authorized by Google via a contract amendment, you may only use line items for the specific purposes described below and any other use will be treated as invalid activity.”

Read Official Google Statement:

Google Ad Manager (DFP) have system limitation on below entities

(Note: Limitation are only on DFP Small business account)


  • Total Number of Line Items That can be setup inside DFP (Active, Inactive, Archive)
  • Total number of serving line items and creatives
  • Line item Per order
  • Programmatic line item per order


  • Total creatives
  • Creative per line items
  • Active Ad units
  • Active Key value pairs


  • Reportable key values
  • As per recent updated from google Ad manager team

As per recent updated from google Ad manager team

You can check the limits In your DFP by visiting below, Replace highlight with your Network ID

DFP system limits

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DFP system limits

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DFP system limits

[supsystic-tables id=6]

DFP system limits

[supsystic-tables id=7]



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